Friday, December 13, 2013

Anime: Mushishi Tv speical January

Well well, looks like this Anime isn't done JUST yet! Mushishi just happens to be one of your humble hosts favorite animes. It's a bit of an odd show, dealing with monsters and spirits of the spirit world that sometimes happen into our world by mistake. It is the Job of the main character “Ginko” to find and correct the problems these monsters can cause. Ginko doesn't consider the “Monsters” threats, for they aren't really monsters. More than often they are etheral beings that have just mistakenly crossed over into our world and simply do what they do to survive. Of course humans, can be harmed in the process, usually not on purpose. Ginko figures out how to let the monsters move on and the humans can go about their lives.

The format of the show is a bit odd, in the fact that little is every really known about the main character, and characters rarely every repeat in the show. The show gives you as much mystery as possible and keeps you wanting more. So imagine my excitement when I heard they were airing a NEW TV SPECIAL!!! EXCITING!!!! I can't wait to see what happens, and even more so, the Trailer even has character from previous episodes in it!!! It is set to air Janurary 4th of 2014. So makr your calenders! I know I will!

Trailer HERE:

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