First things first, the guys at Ubisoft have decided to re-release an HD remastered version of the original Far Cry. Far Cry: Classic, as it's called, will be available on both the PSN and the XBL: Market place on Feb.12th for a small fee of $9.99. For those of you who live in Europe Farcry Classic will be available in store as part of a Far Cry compilation called Far Cry: The Wild Expedition, which will include Far Cry's 1-3 as well as FC: Blood Dragon for a small fee of 29.99 euros. For those of us who do not live in Europe, Ubisoft has decided to release a similar compilation call Far Cry: The Compilation, but it will be a PS3 exclusive and it will NOT be including Far Cry 1 and will cost $39.99. So probably better off spending your $9.99 for the original and buying the rest seperately.
Now we come to the meat and taters portion of todays gaming update. Wolfenstein, to veteran gamers like myself, Wolfenstein is synonomous with being the very first first-person shooting game. It paved the way for some of the best game series on store shelves today. Without it there wouldn't be any HALO's or Call of Duties, just a world ruled by Side-scrolling Platformers, which there is nothing wrong with, just the gaming world is better to have seen the creation of such a genre. Now the gaming grand dad is back and with an entirely new engine and gameplay, so be prepared to enter the world of Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Title: Wolfenstein: The New Order
Developer(s): Machine Games
Publisher(s): Bethesda SoftWorks
Genre(s): First-Person-Shooter
Platform(s): PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX One
Release Date: 2014
Plot: Set in an alternate version of 1960s Europe, where the Nazis prevailed in the second World War, players re-assume control of the series protaganist: William "B.J." Blazkowicz. Blazkowicz, who is know as an American war hero, is tasked with launching an "impossible" counter-offensive mission to take out the Nazi regime and the arsenal of "super-weapons".
Gameplay/Overview: New Order will follow in true FPS fashion having players play across different levels to complete seperate mission objectives and tasks. Player health will be a little different than most games now, where in the player health bar will be divided into seperate sections that can regenerate overtime, but loose on section of health and players will have to rely on health packs to regain lost health. All paranormal themes from the preivous games have been completely removed from this title, instead game developers are going to be focusing more on retro-futuristic elements. With New Order being this far from a release date, not much has been revealed about its gameplay, but extensive research on my part has revealed elements of underwater exploration, along with moments of mountain-esc vehicles chases, as well as player-controlable Nazi war machines. When more info is released you can expect StormWulf to be there to retrive it and deliver it to you my little gaming minions. Until then...stay frosty minions!
Publisher(s): Bethesda SoftWorks
Genre(s): First-Person-Shooter
Platform(s): PC, PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX One
Release Date: 2014
Plot: Set in an alternate version of 1960s Europe, where the Nazis prevailed in the second World War, players re-assume control of the series protaganist: William "B.J." Blazkowicz. Blazkowicz, who is know as an American war hero, is tasked with launching an "impossible" counter-offensive mission to take out the Nazi regime and the arsenal of "super-weapons".
Gameplay/Overview: New Order will follow in true FPS fashion having players play across different levels to complete seperate mission objectives and tasks. Player health will be a little different than most games now, where in the player health bar will be divided into seperate sections that can regenerate overtime, but loose on section of health and players will have to rely on health packs to regain lost health. All paranormal themes from the preivous games have been completely removed from this title, instead game developers are going to be focusing more on retro-futuristic elements. With New Order being this far from a release date, not much has been revealed about its gameplay, but extensive research on my part has revealed elements of underwater exploration, along with moments of mountain-esc vehicles chases, as well as player-controlable Nazi war machines. When more info is released you can expect StormWulf to be there to retrive it and deliver it to you my little gaming minions. Until then...stay frosty minions!
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