Monday, April 14, 2014

Derby City ComicCon: Big news!

Well first off, Nerds Socialize will be covering the event! so we're excited. Sadly it's for only one pass, but we can make it work! Secondly, Derby City ComicCon's owner Chuck Moore has announced that they'll be hosting ANOTHER event in November! November 22nd to be exact!

This new even will be known as the "Cavalcade of Comics" Presented by Derby City ComicCon. it will have a much deeper tie in with a shopping oriented atmosphere (though for a convention, that's almost always a given! :-D). They also hope to wrangle in some regional art for the event as well, which is a top notch idea in my opinion, And as a staple for any and all comic conventions, there will be a wide variety of comic book creators at the event. They timing for the event, as they explain, is to get people to get their shop on before the holidays. And another great thing this event yields, is that it will feature LOCAL shops, artists, ect. This is a great thing, especially for our Derby City.

Article on their Mainsite
Article on Facebook

It is truly nice to see a group of people put something together to try and support the local community where I live. It's odd that just about 6 years ago, there were hardly ANY conventions near the Derby City, and now were have a few that we all look forward to every year. In fact Derby City ComicCon was the first convention I went to in Louisville. It wasn't the biggest, or most glamorous convention in the world, but the fact it was close to home created a HUGE buzz. Actually, I was third in line for my ticket that day, and my friend Scardy was first, followed by our mutual friend Link_Girl.

I actually Found the comic that Featured Deadpools First apperance (MY FAVORITE MARVEL CHARACTER!). the guy wanted $150 for it. I jokingly told the guy "M... maybe $5?" he laughed at me lol. But then he was like "hmmm... I could do $50". I WAS SO TEMPTED! but sadly I had to restrain my nerdiness.

BUT ever since that first convention, even though it wasn't huge and glamorous, it created a  buzz that has started to attract more events that I attend now, and on top of that, Derby City ComicCon has grown each year it has been in Louisville, and looks to be a thing we will continue to look forward to each year.

If you're interesting in the "Cavalcade of Comics", here's the info!:
Taking place Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 at Ramada Plaza Louisville - Triple Crown Pavilion (9700 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY) the Cavalcade of Comics will be a companion show to our annual primary convention and offers a unique mix of comic book focused fun to enjoy.

We hope to see you there folks!

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