Finally before we move on the main portion of this article, it has recently been brought to my attention, having spent countless hours on the internet doing research for this update, that Ubisoft has set a release date for the 4th title in the Far Cry series. Far Cry 4 is set to be released on November 18th, 2014, that's right folks you heard it hear, probably not first but you heard it hear, Far Cry 4 is set to release this year. FC4 will be available for purchase on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC and will take place in the Himalayan Mounts in a fictinal region called Kyrat, that is controlled by a self appionted king. Now no real details have surfaced yet, other than what you see obivously, but I think it is save to say that players will be fighting to over throw said king. With that said be sure to tune in here for further details.
Now on to business.
Title: Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel
Developers: 2K Austrailia, Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Genre: First-Person-Shooter/Role-Playing-Game
Release Date: 3rd Quarter 2014 [Fall 2014]
Plot: Play as one of four playable characters and help Handsome Jack in his escape from exile from the Hyperion Moonbase and help him capture it for himself.
Gameplay/ Overview: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel takes place before Borderlands 2, but after the events of the original Borderlands game and is set on Pandora's moon
. President of Gearbox Software stated that he wanted to name it Borderlands 1.5 but he got over ruled by the kid on the BL block 2K Austrailia, so don't be surprised if some of the NPCs have a bit of an Austrailian accent as they plan on using them in this title. Players will have four character classes to choose from, with each character representing the class. Character/Classes are:
-Former Atlas Corp. assassin, Athena as The Gladiator: Players will probably recognize her as the rogue assassin for the Atlas Corporation from the Borderlands (orginial) DLC The Secret Armory of General Knoxx. Athena will have the ability Kinetic Aspis, which allows her to absorb weapon, and eventually elemental, damage with her shield and send it back at enemies. Once upgraded enough her shield will also have the ability cause the return fire to ricochet and hit mutiple targets.
-Hyperion Engineer, Wilhelm as the Enforcer: Not much is know about what Wilhelm will be able to do ability wise, but upon leveling up Wilhelm will gradually take on the form of the badass Powerloader we all know and hate from BL2.
-Lynchwood Sheriff, Nisha as the Lawbringer: No info has been revealed about Nisha, other than players will recognize her as the girlfriend to Hnadsome Jack and the sheriff you kill in Lynchwood in Borderlands 2.
-Claptrap as the Fragtrap: That's right folks that annoyingly coward coward of a robot from the first two games is now a playable character. Now nothing has been said as to what players will be able to do as this little guy, so we just have to wait for the game to come out or until more info has been released.
Players will begin this space adventure as henchmen to a "morally good" Hnadsome Jack. As the game progresses players will bare witness to his slow transformation into the manically evil bastard he is in the previous game. Gearbox Software Pres. Randy Pitchford has said that this game's plot would explore how villians tend to be
"morally ambiguous, doin possibly 'bad' things for the right reasons, and then have that reflect what [Handsome Jack] is doing. There are several quests in the game where literally the only narrative purpose they exsist for is to show you that the 'bad guy' you're fighting is not actually a horrible person".
The actual gameplay for The Pre-Sequel will reamin exactly the same as in preivous games, with just a few additions. Firstly 2K has introduced new forms of weaponry i.e, Laser based weapons and cryogenic weaponry. The laser-based weapons will come in two varieties: 1. Beam blasters, which is one of the most essential types a weapons that one must have in space, think Star Trek, Star Wars, and just about every [good] space movie ever. 2. Sustained blasts, think the proton beam from Ghostbusters and the Spartan Laser from the Halo game series. Laser-based weapons will also have an added benifit, when they are used in oxygen rich environments they will deal bonus burn damage on top of normal damage.
Next we see the addition of "cryo" based weapons, "Cryo" will allow players to slow enemies with just a few shots and completely freeze them with sustained fire, once frozen players can then smash them to bits with a well timed melee attack. With the added benifit of playing on moon's surface come to other additions to survival and mobility: O2 Kits and zero gravity. Oxygen Kits will be a new equipable item along side shields and grenades, they give the player the ability to breathe in the vast vacuum of space and will allow the player to hover and do a double jump by usesing the tank to propell the player higher as well as allowing players to perform a ground slamming attack. Tanks will also come in different varieties that can boost player stats. Also players will now have to monitor their O2 levels in order to survive in space as it as they will deplete with extended use, but they will recharge when entering an area shielded from space or by standing on air vents placed on the moon's surface. With the zero Gs players will jump slower but higher, the downside is that now loot can float away if your not paying attention. BP-S is set to hit the shelves this Fall, so be sure to chceck before then to see if we've learned any more information on it. this has been SotrmWulf on behalf of NS, STAY FROSTY FOLKS!
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