By Mr. Grey
Everything hurts... My feet, the scars on my face, and hell, I think even my boots feel like they're hurting... And at the forefront of my mind is how hungry I am getting. One can't help bu feel hungry when they are beat, electrocuted, and forced to watch one of your friends get his teeth knocked in. Funny thing is, we did not give them any information. The funny thing is Irish would have spilled his guts for some food, but all that is in the past now. Out objective, we must destroy the dam! I pick up my very expensive, and very fancy PLD (Portable Laser Designator).
I see at least fifteen enemies, with another hundred yards or more to cover as more enemies hide, each one wanting our heads impaled on a stick. I can still hear Irish and Hana fighting about where we should plant the C4. I get very tired of this and pick out two enemies that had wondered off by themselves. I grab my Steyr Scout Elite sniper rifle I hold my breath and let the bullet travel to the first target. He felt nothing as I quickly found the second one in my sights. I follow and lead him as he RUNS OFF the dam!
I switch to my PLD and watch as he lands on the ground safely and still continues to run. I pause my game. Great another thing I can add to the list of crap that has happened on battlefield 4. So far the list of bugs I have found in this game is as follows:
three times my memory and game progress has been wiped along with the awards I worked hard to achieve. So I had to start all over again, I even had to pull an all nighter to get this done. Even so, I tripped up two times in the process. It got to be such a problem that I had to report the problems to Sony. But even then, I had to pick up the game and fight my way through enemies that I already killed before. Another time, as I was climbing up a ladder, I glitched through Irish. After that, I got tossed through the air, landing on a pile of sharp pointy rubble that was on fire. I was stuck, and could not escape as the fire began killing me. Basically this forced me to restart again...
So what do I think of Battlefield 4's storyline? Over all it is good, but having to watch the same crap over and over thanks to all those glitches got old fast. This really does not feel well knowing that the game was not finished. It's nice that they got multi-player polished up, but the holes left in the other aspects of the game made it frustrating. Like the game crashing, and losing memory files. But if one of you were to buy this game, more than likely you are getting it for the multi-player, which they were ACTUALLY able to get done in time. So my question is, when will the new “Battlefield: Bad Company” come out? will they ever finish that story? All questions we want answers to, and so far... no answers... *sigh*
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